If you are looking for LOVELY BIG lenses with your frames WITHOUT the lenses OVERTAKING and smothering your entire face - SHALI frames are IT !!!! These frames & lens are GORG... I purchased the Purple frame with the 20% PURPLE TINT - I must say that these frames get me plenty of SMILES and WINKS ... The 20% is just enough tint without going overboard. With the purple lens against the brown - these frames look like the designer brands with custom made lenses. Believe me, I have purchased plenty of COSTLY lenses to go into my frames to get that one-of-a-kind look (not bragging just been down that expensive road).... Anyway, I thought purple lens (as a prescription) would be a real MISS but BELIEVE me THEY ARE ON POINT. The scenery (day/night) is not colorfully distorted and I can still see perfectly. However, if you want the more dramatic SUNGLASS EFFECT then my advice would be to go for the higher solid tints or the gradient tint (I prefer a lighter solid tint because I am a night driver). Since recently buying frames here on EBD (EyeBuyDIrect) I'm starting to get the hang at flipping my frames and tints to go with my moods and styles. EBD has given me the selection of quality frames with of course UNBELIEVABLE discounted prices to make this personal 'styling' triumph. I am REALLY STARTING TO LOVE WEARING GLASSES as I am no longer LIMITED to purchasing one frame a year (and you already KNOW the root of the restrictions - that comes with a two-week vacation). THANKS EBD -- you've done it again.... :-) .... I'm going next for the BROWN/BLUE Shali's w/brown 40% tint.